
I can’t wait for Saturday. Or next week. Or the end of August. Or the entire month of October for that matter!

Anticipation is something amazing…the range of emotions you can experience from one simple descriptor is infinite and infinitely awesome (in the original sense of the word). It often strikes me how crazy it can be that the amount of anticipation can actually affect one’s reaction to the event.

Take for instance Dark Shadows. A lot of people were extremely worked up over the movie, expecting Barnabas Collins to be the next big Johnny Depp character. Our buddy, we’ll call him Turtle, went to go see the movie with such anticipation and had a negative reaction to the movie. He passed this reaction along to my boyfriend who then did not hold as much anticipation for the movie and was able to enjoy it when we watched it at the drive-in. It seems to happen all the time.

Of course, right now I’m looking at several awesome things (in the less original sense of the word) and I’m hoping to not lose the favor in my anticipation. Saturday, I should be getting some belated birthday/holiday presents from the boyfriend. I know he spent time on ThinkGeek for these, so I’m thrilled and I can’t wait. I’m pretty positive the time being so short will help so that I don’t get overinflated. Regardless, it’s ThinkGeek. It should be amazing.

Next week? Well, I went a little crazy. In spite of my lack of time to sleep, I’ve decided to apply for a part time “fun” job at a local wine boutique. My callback might come next week. Fingers crossed. I know if I don’t get the job, I won’t be looking for another one, but I still would love to have a little bit more to do back in the industry.

End of August? VACATION! The boyfriend and I are going to be spending a week in Moab, Utah with some friends. I’m so excited to see Barsoom (yup, they filmed much ofJohn Carterout there) and I can’t wait to go hiking. I just wish the weather around here would let up a bit so that I can get my body in a little bit of better shape. Maybe it’s a good thing we’re still 2 months out on that one….

October? Well, a lot of that’s up in the air. But we’re looking at moving, perhaps miss Molly and I will go to a concert, another friend is getting married, and another is having her baby shower (the same one that brought Amoretta into my life).

In anticipation of everything, I really do need to start getting prepared. I’m already trying to save up some money for either the vacation or moving (I’m hoping to win a contest at work for the vacation to free up that savings). I’m also supposed to have my bridesmaids dress already (shhhh…don’t tell). I’m holding up on that because I really want to be in better shape before the vacation (and, as such, the wedding) so I’m being such a slacker (as per usual). I also need to get some boots for both me and the boyfriend and find something that would be good for luggage for a 19 seater plane.

I know, I’ve got a lot of work to do.

About Annaleigh Josephs, CSS

Annaleigh Josephs, aka The Lush...Certified or AJ the Lush, is a writer from the suburbs of Kansas City. An equal opportunity lush, she loves wine, beer AND liquor...but currently only holds certifications for wine and liquor. She also is a Browncoat with a love for all things scifi and fantasy. She currently works a straight job in the financial industry (after a major career change), writes for, spends her "spare time" with the Kansas City Independent Filmmaker's Coalition, and is working on several different personal projects (including two novels, a short story series, and a script).

Posted on 21 June 2012, in Awesome Sauce, Rants and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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